Privacy Policy
At KMG, we are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect on our web site to deliver services and to enhance your experience. Please read below for specific details on our policy.
KMG does not provide your information to any third-party. Specifically:
We do not sell lists or usage information.
We do not report usage or user information to any third-party.
We do not accept any advertising on our site and therefore have no information reporting requirements to any third-party.
KMG employs SSL encryption on all Credit Card transactions.
The secure server software (SSL) encrypts all information you input before you send it to us.
KMG does not store or maintain your credit card information.
For credit card users, we move the transaction information from our web server to our financial systems and do not maintain your credit card information in our user database.
Corporate Administrators at our client organizations have access to usage statistics for their account base.
If your user account is part of a corporate account, then a Corporate Administrator at your company may access your user and usage information. Corporate Administrators can only access user information for individuals within their corporate profile.
No one external to KMG has access to user information for individual accounts (individuals not part of a corporate account.)
Anti-Spam Policy
Kotler Marketing Group hopes that individuals find its e-mail communications informative and helpful. However, we respect the recipient's wishes for either receiving or not receiving e-mail communications from us. Therefore, we have adopted the following as procedures for all of its e-mail distribution communications:
Valid addressing
The e-mail communication will be sent to a single recipient with the intention of it being received by only one individual. The sender address will be a valid Kotler Marketing Group e-mail address that is monitored by a Kotler employee. Therefore the sender address can also be sent e-mail. The sender address will be relevant to the content of the message being sent.
Valid headers/subjects
The e-mail communication will always have a header or subject that is appropriate and true to the content provided in the communication. The header or subject will not be used inappropriately or give a disproportionate benefit to the sender.
Valid contact information
Any contact information in the e-mail communication will be real and relevant to Kotler Marketing Group, Inc.
Valid subscribe/unsubscribe service
The e-mail communication will always have the "Subscription" information at the end. The process to subscribe and unsubscribe is simple, real, and requires only a few seconds. Each request is handled personally by our Marketing Department to meet the satisfaction of the requester.
Relevant and beneficial information for the recipient
Kotler Marketing Group provides honest information about our company, solutions, products, services, or other information which we feel will be in some way relevant and beneficial to the recipient.
Mindfulness and compliance with company policies
Kotler Marketing Group e-mail distributions will be mindful and in compliance with the above policies, which are in compliance with current international privacy-policy requirements.
If you have questions or comments about our privacy policy,
please contact or call us at (202) 331-0555.